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The Montañas do Courel geopark project was born, and is being managed to date, with a bottom-up approach, and it is intended that the future management structure will also be from the bottom up, with the population of the territory being at the forefront of said structure, coordinating, planning, directing and executing the decisions that are adopted.

The projected management structure is designed to accommodate local empowerment, using the skills of the staff living in the territory.

Promoter entities
Entidades promotoras
Concello Ribas de Sil
Concello de Quiroga
Concello Folgoso do Courel
Statutory purposes
Fines estatutarios

The entity promoting the candidacy, the Association for the Territorial Promotion of Montañas do Courel , formally established in 2016, is a non-profit association, with its registered office at the Quiroga Geology Museum, and created by the municipalities of Folgoso do Courel, Quiroga and Ribas de Sil.

Among the main purposes included in its founding statutes, the following stand out:

  1. Vertebration of the different socioeconomic sectors.

  2. Promote, revalue and preserve the geological heritage, natural, cultural, historical, heritage and artistic resources of the territory.

  3. To make the population aware of the need to protect the environment and the rural environment, taking_active part to achieve it.

  4. Articulate participation dynamics that facilitate socio-economic development.

  5. Develop geotourism.

  6. Formulate and transmit to the population the appropriate strategy to achieve the development of the territory, especially recognition as a possible UNESCO World Geopark, and the values that it promotes and protects, so that they can be integrated into their own culture and socioeconomic dynamics.

Junta directiva
Board of Directors

The Association for the Territorial Promotion of Montañas do Courel has its maximum representation in the General Assembly made up of all its partners, who will appoint a President from among its members, who in turn will be President of the Board of Directors .

The board of directors has a general coordinator , in the field of territorial development by virtue of a collaboration agreement between the Ribeira Sacra-Courel Rural Development Group, managing entity of the program  Leader in the territory, who will be the one in charge of coordinating the members assigned to the territorial table, the geologist of the candidacy, and the scientific coordinator . This scientific coordinator, municipal official and director of the geological museum, in the field of geography, will have under his supervision the coordination of the scientific committee , and for this he will have as technical support staff , in addition to the geologist, an archaeologist and a tourism technician.  (city hall worker).

The territorial table that will be made up of a partnership of public institutions such as city councils of the territory, Natural Heritage of the Xunta de Galicia, Galician Agency for Rural Development of the Ministry of Rural Affairs, the Lugo Provincial Council, the Ribeira Sacra Rural Development Group -Courel, the Ribeira Sacra tourism consortium, the Ribeira Sacra DO Regulatory Council and  private associative entities in the cultural, social and economic sphere, such as the Uxío Novoneyra College in Folgoso do Courel, Fonte do Milagro Cultural Association, A Coroa Socio-Cultural Association, San Bartolomé de Hospital Socio-Cultural Association, Formigueiros Mountain Club, A Boca do Monte Cultural Association, Curuxa Motorcycle Club Association, Serra do Courel Tourist Association, Ribeira Tourism Consortium Sacra, Ribeira Sacra DO Regulatory Council, Remansiño do Sil Rural Animation Center, Arumeda Queiruga Association, Qui-Rom Association a, Quiroga Polyphonic Choir Association, San Martiño Bagpipe Band Association, Camiño do Inverno Association, Quiroga Wine Brotherhood Association, Quiroga Businessmen Association, Quiroga Merchants Association, Quiroga Region Socio-Cultural Association and the Neighborhood Association of Margaret. The objective pursued with this public-private partnership is to be able to sit down at the same table with said representatives for the joint search for solutions and/or the proposal to carry out actions to contribute to the socio-economic-cultural development of the territory, and in particular the geotourism development.

Comité científico
Scientific Comittee

The scientific committee   is made up of those institutions and/or people in the field of geology, geomorphology, biology, botany, archaeology, history, who, due to their research profile and knowledge of the resources they have the Montañas do Courel territory, can contribute to implement the development strategy based on the geological heritage and on the development of geotourism, education, research  and dissemination. At this time, the committee is made up of the following entities and representatives:


  • Ramón Vila Anca . Degree in Geography and History


  • Juan Carlos Gutiérrez Marco . CSIC scientist, specialist in Ordovician and Silurian paleontology and stratigraphy. Institute of Geosciences (CSIC-UCM)

  • Dr. José Ramón Martínez Catalán . Geology Department, Faculty of Sciences University of Salamanca

  •   Juan Ramón Vidal Romaní.  Professor Emeritus  University Institute of Geology. University of Coruna

  • Aurora Grandal D'Anglade. Professor of Paleontology. University Institute of Xeoloxia. University of Coruna

  • José Bienvenido Díez Ferrer.  Paleontologist. Stratigraphy Area. Department of Geosciences University of Vigo

  • Augusto Perez Alberti. Professor of Physical Xeography at the University of Santiago de Compostela

  • Javier Guitian Rivera. Professor of Botany at the University of Santiago de Compostela

  • Antonio Rigueiro Rodríguez.  Director of the Courel Scientific Station. University Professor, Department of Vegetable Production and Engineering Projects

  • José Manuel García Quijeiro . Professor of the Edaphology and Agricultural Chemistry Area. Plant Biology and Soil Science Department. University of Vigo

  • Xosé Pedro Rodríguez Álvarez . Research Director, Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES). Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona

  • Ramon Fabregas Valcarce. Professor of Prehistory at the University of Santiago de Compostela

  • Arturo de Lombera Hermida. Research Archaeologist. University of Santiago de Compostela

  • Xosé Carlos Barros Lorenzo . Geologist, attached to the Geopark candidacy

  • Dr. Daniel Ballesteros . Researcher at the University of Rouen-Normandie and Center National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)

  • Ángel Ferrero Arias . Geologist, Head of the IGME Galicia Unit 1987-2013

  • Miguel Llorente Isidro . Geologist, Head of the IGME Galicia Unit 2014-2017

  • Pablo Caldervilla . Geologist

  • Ivan Alvarez Merayo . Archaeologist

  • Lourdes G. Sotelo . Biologist.Professor CEIP Uxio Novoneyra

  • Pablo Nunez Fernandez . Delegate  in Galicia of the Illustrious Official College of Geologists

  • Marcos Vaqueiro Rodríguez . Galician Speleology Federation

  • Jose Luis Sanmiguel Guerreiro . Secretary of the Official College of Architects of Galicia

  • Juan de Dios Martin Aparicio. President of the Official Chamber  Minera de Galicia 

  • Diego López GonzálezDirector of the Official Chamber  Minera de Galicia  

  • Manuel Garcia Avila . Graduated in Biology. Galician Paleontological Association

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