National Geoparks Committee

The Spanish National Committee of UNESCO Global Geoparks is a collegiate body of an advisory nature that is integrated within the set of working groups formed within the framework of the Spanish National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO and that acts as the National Committee of the International Geoparks Program . The Spanish National Committee of Global Geoparks of UNESCO has, for the best performance of its functions, the Presidency, the Plenary of the Committee, the Permanent Executive Commission, the Forum of Spanish Geoparks and the working groups that the Committee agrees constitute for the analysis and elaboration of proposals on whatever matters are considered of interest.
The fifteen Spanish geoparks make up, together with individual members of the GGN, the Spanish Forum of Geoparks which coordinates the work carried out at the national level related to the Global Network and UNESCO, in addition to take care of the correct dissemination and adequate information in new projects.
The Forum of Spanish Geoparks is also constituted as a stable working group, attached to the Spanish National Committee of World Geoparks of UNESCO.
The geoparks that make up the Spanish Committee are:
Villuercas-Ibores-Jara Geopark
Molina-Alto Tajo region
Origins _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_